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Supporting Women Who Desire to Ignite their Power Within

The Women Of Faith

Providing Aid and Support to Women and Families in Need

Purple Hugs 'N Smiles 4U

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Nina A. Crump


“Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, what if only twenty can be found there?” He said, “For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it.” 

--Genesis 18:31

Therefore, I shall move forward to do HIS will.

"The inner voice refers to those ‘internal barriers’ that manifest themselves in women in a variety of ways and in turn can have an arresting, silencing effect: an unease in asking, anxiety in moving forward, a lack of confidence, a fear of failure and a sense

that being silent is a safe protective place.

We are breaking through the enemy's lies in JESUS name!"

Our Mission
NCMinistries’ mission is to empower, encourage and equip purpose-driven women through programs and platforms that sharpen their spiritual gifts, talents, and skills. 

Our Vision
NCMinistries’ vision is to assist with improving the
spiritual and emotional well-being of women as they fulfill their God-designed purpose.

Upcoming Events

Need Support?

If you are in need of emotional support, we are here to help! 

Stressed Woman
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